
How Can I Withdraw an Offer on a House After It Has Been Accepted?


There are many reasons that you might decide to withdraw an offer on a house. It could be that you’ve found a better home elsewhere or that your circumstances have changed. Whatever the reason, it can be frustrating to have a deal fall through.

Withdrawing an offer is a fairly straightforward process, although you’ll want to make sure you understand your rights and responsibilities as a buyer before you do so. Backing out of a real estate purchase contract can have serious consequences, especially if you’ve lost your earnest money deposit.

How Can I Withdraw an Offer on a House After It Has Been Accepted?

You’ll have to communicate your change of heart to the seller or their agent in order to be able to withdraw your offer. Some states require the use of a form that will serve as proof of your notification. In California, for example, it’s known as the “Withdrawal of Offer” form.

Unless you’ve made your offer in writing and it has been accepted by the seller, an offer is not binding, no matter how much it sounds like it should be. New York state laws, for example, are pretty clear that your offer is not a binding contract until you’ve signed it and delivered it to the seller in writing. Read more https://www.sellmyhouseforcashtx.com/we-buy-houses-grand-prairie-tx/


This is also true if you’ve made a counter-offer, which is another way of saying that you want to modify some aspect of your original offer. You can change your mind about a counter-offer and you can withdraw it before the seller accepts it and delivers the written acceptance to you.

It Ain’t Over ‘Till It’s Over

If you’ve already accepted an offer on a house and then decide to withdraw it, the sale can go south quickly. The buyer may lose their earnest money deposit, and the seller could lose their profit on the home if the buyer doesn’t meet certain contingencies, such as financing.

The first thing to do is check the deadline for acceptance of your offer and any stipulations that have been included in your offer. Some states set a specific deadline for when a seller has to respond to your offer, but most simply expect a response within a few days of you making the offer.

Withdrawing an offer is legal in all 50 states if you make it in writing and if the reason for withdrawal is due to changes in your circumstances. In addition, you can always withdraw your offer if you find out that you are not eligible for a particular loan.


A seller can only retract their acceptance of an offer if it’s for one of three reasons: They don’t like the property, they can’t afford the property or there’s a problem with the property. The seller must also notify you of the decision in a written notice that includes information about how to reach them if you have any questions or concerns.

If you do have a good reason to withdraw an offer, a competent real estate agent can help you navigate the process in a timely manner. A seasoned real estate professional will know how to protect your financial interests as you navigate the complex process of buying a house.

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